Monthly Archives: May 2019

DON’T BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep12 – BMS Demo (2019) ⚡️

Explaining what a BMS is and does and shows a couple of demos on a small system. The BMS from Batrium is well-built and loaded with features.

⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep11 – The Cart (2019) ⚡️

Lots of stormy weather, but I got started on the battery cart. Should be able to finish up the remaining packs soon!

Blue Sea Bus Bars –

⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep10 – May the 4th Be With You (2019) ⚡️

Happy Star Wars Day! As a safety measure, I got some acrylic panels to put on the outside of the packs to keep from shorting them out if they touch each other once connected. Please share the link below with friends and family.

Please share this link:

Nylon washers:

📱Siri Shortcuts & Custom Intents (2019) 📱

I encountered a problem that took way too long to figure out so I put this together in hopes that it helps someone else. It’s a demo using the new Siri custom intents Apple added to iOS 12. It shows how to add UI from your app into Siri responses.