Monthly Archives: February 2019

⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep5 – Cell Packing (2019)

Cells are tested and sorted, time to put them in the cell holders. There is an online tool to help.

🥧Raspberry Pi DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Network (2019) 🥧

Demo of using a Raspberry Pi to monitor multiple DS18B20 1-wire digital thermometers using a Python script to report.

⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep4 – Opus BT-C3100 Fan Mod & Test (2019)

Power2Spare has large, brushless fans for keeping the Opus BT-C3100s cool while you are processing cells. They cut the cycle time down vs the stock fans and work even better on the 1,000 mAh setting. The mod is simple, but I did have issues. Also shows test results.

⚡️DIY Powerwall Project – ep3 – Processing Cells (2019)

I walk through my cell processing process to sort cells into groups and answer a question about lead-acid vs 18650s.