2 thoughts on “🎄Custom Modelling in xLights (2020)🎄

  1. Andy marsh

    Hello Sir

    Firstly… many thanks for getting me back into electronics. Having an actual project has goven me something to focus on.. especially in these covid times! It was 20 years since i did my electronics degree and i ended up in IT (and running my own car repair business!)

    I was looking at the corostar in your video… in the uk we struggle to get good pre made stuff, but can get corrugated plastic sheet. I wondered what thickness the corostar was? 10mm? Also.. any idea if you can get a stamp/die to cut out the pixel holes from anywhere? Id love to make some of my own pixel templates with a bit of ingenuity πŸ™‚

    Have watched most of your vids but hadnt found one with making coro-anything from scratch.. presumably because they are much easier to obtain in north america.

    Many thanks again and stay safe.


  2. Dog Father Post author

    Wow, electronics degree, worked in IT ended up owning a car repair business. That’s gotta be a story! πŸ™‚ Yes, the coro is 10mm. I’m not sure what James (BoscoyoStudio) uses to make the holes (he has several CNC machines now). Looks like they are routed as there are no depressions in the coro near the holes, but what do I know about manufacturing. You might try sending him an email. I’ve not been big on coro, but the new filled-in stuff is a lot stronger so it’s winning me over. Plus, I’m running out of places to put lights. πŸ™‚

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