Joy To The World – Go Fish – RGB Pixel Light Show

Enjoy Joy To The World by Go Fish synchronized to RGB Pixel lights. This was shot with a Lumix GH5 with an Olympus 12-40/2.8 lens, both rented from a local camera store. The video was filmed in 4K about 15 minutes after sundown with the following camera settings: sensitivity set to 3200, shutter speed set to 60, aperture set to f11, white balance set to incandescent. I made some minor exposure and saturation changes in Final Cut Pro.

Song: Joy To The World
Performed by Go Fish
Written by Jamison J. Statema
Copyright 2010 Found Free Music (Administered by Fun Attic Music)

Recording available at!

This is the first time I have used a talking head in my display. It was a neat skill to learn and I hope I’ve done it justice.

4 thoughts on “Joy To The World – Go Fish – RGB Pixel Light Show

  1. octavius

    this is awesome. Will you contact me. I would love to get your input on doing something like this when you have some time. I’ve been talking to you through comments on youtube.

  2. Dog Father Post author

    I’ll do what I can. I’ve had some distractions lately that have monopolized my time (hence lack of new videos). If you don’t mind a potential slow response, fire away! 🙂

  3. octavius

    I don’t mind I have 10 – 11 months. I know nothing about pixels but I want to learn. especially how you have that snowman in your Mega tree singing. I’m going to buy the Falcon board and probably make my own enclosure like you did. I wondering with power injecting. Do I need the power supply close to point of injection? I’d imagine there would be some voltage drop with long runs. I don’t plan on running them at 100% brightness but I like to have the capacity to be able to do it.

  4. Dog Father Post author

    The singing snowman is using a feature in xLights (use to be referred to as papagayo). Sean did a complete video about it on Vimeo at It’s long, but thorough. There are a couple of other people that have done shorter videos if you search for “xLights singing faces” that should get you started.

    I wouldn’t worry so much about power injection at this point. The lights will tell you if they are starved for power by looking yucky, but yes, closer to the PS the better. Really more of an experimentation thing once you set everything up. You might bake in a little extra time for working out the kinks for your first year. 🙂

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