Tag Archives: falcon player

🎄Colorlight 5A-75B Panel Controller (2020) 🎄

Basic configuration and setup of the Colorlight 5A-75B Panel Controller. Demonstrates using it with xLights, Falcon Player and xSchedule. A huge thank you to Ken at wiredwatts.com for sponsoring the video!

Wired Watts Colorlight Card: https://www.wiredwatts.com/colorlight-5a-75b

Scott’s xSchedule Colorlight Plugin: https://github.com/computergeek1507/ColorlightPlugin/releases
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable: http://bit.ly/msvcredist2010
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable: http://bit.ly/msvcredist2013


🎄P10 Panel to P5 Panel Conversion (2019)🎄

I noticed problems with the P10 panels at the end of last year and decided to upgrade to P5 panels. Simple swap of the hardware, but the software on the BeagleBone Black gave me some trouble.

Joy To The World – Go Fish – RGB Pixel Light Show (2018)

A funky version of Joy To The World that’s a neighborhood child favorite. Camera is a Sony FDRAX53/B 4K HD camcorder (https://amzn.to/2Qu24CQ). Multiple camera angles mixed in Adobe Premiere.

EDM/Dubstep RGB LED Christmas Light Show (2018)

This is the sequence I spent the most time on last year and added the new 2018 props to the mix. The music is two custom songs I created on my iPad. Also trying out the multi-camera feature of Premiere – I like it. I hope you do too! Camera is a Sony FDRAX53/B 4K HD camcorder (https://amzn.to/2Qu24CQ).

If you’re new to the channel and want to learn how to do this, check out my Beginner playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFyrAfJ-kKd4ZfPdXWIt8v_bav61mW_KW

I also have a very basic online course for RGB Pixel beginners (instructor coupon included): https://bit.ly/2Kso7HO (designed to bring someone up to speed quickly – you won’t need to take this course if you’ve seen all my videos)

Links to some stuff I recommend at Amazon: https://amzn.to/2PJoNY5

Hardware and software:
Falcon Pixel Controllers: www.pixelcontroller.com
Falcon Player Software: https://github.com/FalconChristmas/fpp/releases
xLights sequencing software: https://xlights.org
FM Transmitter: http://ebay.to/2yx4pRi

Christmas Lighting Forums:

Facebook Groups:
Advanced RGB Pixels and Controllers http://bit.ly/2zEMrgX
Official xLights Support Group http://bit.ly/2zBMwnv
FPP, Falcon Player http://bit.ly/2yvc7v3

and finally, if you like what I’m doing here and just want to donate a little do-re-mi, I’ll gladly accept at https://www.paypal.me/JeffLacey. Thank you!

Black Friday! SetUp Day (week) – Part 2 (2018)

Message to new subscribers and completed setup. Complete walkthru and some prop construction details.

Keith’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf7uLhUObAk
My beginner playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFyrAfJ-kKd4ZfPdXWIt8v_bav61mW_KW

My online course for RGB Pixel beginners: https://bit.ly/2NgNJFm (designed to bring someone up to speed quickly – you won’t need to take this course if you’ve seen all my videos)

Amazon Links: https://amzn.to/2PJoNY5

SetUp Day (week) – Part 1 – Still Fabricating (2018)

Started setting up the display this week because I have a lot to do (new stuff) and weather may not be great as we get closer to Thanksgiving. I didn’t make a ton of progress, but am set up for the weekend work.

Falcon Player 2.x Setup EP4 – Input Output (2018)

This is PART 4 in a series about the 2.x version of Falcon Player – Installation. It covers manually configuring the Input/Output Setup section. For an example, I start with xLights, configure Falcon Player and show my controller settings – an end-to-end demo.

Falcon Player 2.x Setup EP3 – Content (2018)

This is PART 3 in a series about the 2.x version of Falcon Player – Installation. It covers loading up sequences and audio to the Pi and setting up playlists and a schedule.

Falcon Player 2.x EP1 – Installation (2018)

This is PART 1 in a series about the 2.x version of Falcon Player – Installation. It covers imaging an SD card and initial configuration to get things running. If covers the Raspberry Pi and BBB installations as they are similar, but a little different.


I’ve been working on an online course for RGB pixels and it’s finally out! Here’s what it’s about and why I did it.

The course is hosted on Udemy.  http://bit.ly/udemy-basics-coupon

The course is designed to take someone new to pixels through everything they need to know to get a show up and running.  It covers both hardware and software.  There’s even a section on sequencing using xLights that even people running shows might want to check out.  If you take the course and like it, please leave a good review with a couple of sentences about how it helped you or why you liked it.  Reviews really help a new course get noticed.  If you see something that needs changing, please let me know that too.