Joy To The World – Go Fish – RGB Pixel Light Show (2018)

A funky version of Joy To The World that’s a neighborhood child favorite. Camera is a Sony FDRAX53/B 4K HD camcorder ( Multiple camera angles mixed in Adobe Premiere.

4 thoughts on “Joy To The World – Go Fish – RGB Pixel Light Show (2018)

  1. Dan B

    Hello Canispater,

    I stumbled upon your YouTube videos and they are super fantastic!
    I anticipate getting involved in some DIY work to prepare for next Christmas season. I know that means planning now. With that in mind, here is my first question. When is the right time to order pixels? I heard you say in one of your videos that it’s NOT at the beginning of the year.

    I have no experience with almost anything related to lighting and have really appreciated your videos! I will continue to follow your stuff. Thank you, once again, for doing it!

  2. Dog Father Post author

    Thanks Dan! Generally, things don’t really get going again until July around Christmas Expo. If ordering from China, wait until about a month after Chinese New Year is over (it changes each year so you’ll have to Google it). If buying locally (in your country), check with them to see if they have what you want now or when they’ll have more inventory.

  3. Chris Kubes

    Interested inchroma-mesh. . Do you wish you Would have Gone to 2in spaced. Or you Feel 3in is ok for display. Going to try to incorporate animations on matrixs. Thanks so much. Love Your videos! Chris Kubes

  4. Dog Father Post author

    Thanks Chris! It depends on viewer distance and your personal desires. If distance is short, 2″ would be better, but its a good 30′ from matrix to street and more than 100′ to the optimum viewing spot so I’m happy with the 3″ spacing. If you’re worried or particularly OCD about it, go 2″. 🙂

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