Tag Archives: pixel controller

🎄Smart Differential Receivers and F16V3 Firmware Upgrade (2019)🎄

Taking a quick look at the new Smart (chain-able) differential deceivers. Also go through a Falcon F16V3 firmware upgrade to support the new boards.

Some Good, Some Bad, Some Ugly (2018)

I had some time this past weekend to work on one of the props bothering me a little. The new frame did what I wanted. After reaching a stopping point, I noticed something really bad.

Falcon Port Sharing & Bypassing Controller Power Distribution

This episode is a bit of a poo-poo platter of updates, but includes a demo of bypassing a controller’s power distribution and why you might want to plus an explanation of Falcon Port Sharing on both the F16V3 and F48.

xLights around the world video: https://bit.ly/2CexFCF

My online course for RGB Pixel beginners: https://bit.ly/2NgNJFm

New Amazon Links page: https://amzn.to/2PJoNY5

Table of Contents:
01:51 – outage update
02:20 – new video editing tools
02:47 – ChromaTrim V3 update
03:25 – Amazon Influencer Program
04:47 – xLights Around the World
06:57 – controller power distribution bypass demo
11:43 – Falcon port sharing

RGB Pixel Power Injection and a Cable Snake (2018)

Finishing up preps on the sticks, I encountered a perfect power injection example. I also created a cable snake for the line from the controller to the first pixel.


I’ve been working on an online course for RGB pixels and it’s finally out! Here’s what it’s about and why I did it.

The course is hosted on Udemy.  http://bit.ly/udemy-basics-coupon

The course is designed to take someone new to pixels through everything they need to know to get a show up and running.  It covers both hardware and software.  There’s even a section on sequencing using xLights that even people running shows might want to check out.  If you take the course and like it, please leave a good review with a couple of sentences about how it helped you or why you liked it.  Reviews really help a new course get noticed.  If you see something that needs changing, please let me know that too.

ESPixelstick RGB Controller Setup (2018)

Pixelsticks are small, WiFi RGB Pixel controllers. YOU MUST FLASH THEM YOURSELF TO USE THEM. There are two ways to flash or program a Pixelstick. This video covers using the java tool (TLDR) as well as flashing from the Arduino IDE.

Renard Plus ESP WiFi Pixel Controller Kit: http://renard-shop.com/home/37-es-wifi-pixel-controller.html

Arduino IDE: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Board Manager Link: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json

ESPixelStick GitHub Repo: https://github.com/forkineye/ESPixelStick

Amazon Links: https://wp.me/P3deDh-fN

Using Music in Your RGB Pixel Display (2018)

This is an update to my RGB Pixel Basics series about using music in your display. We cover FM transmitters, finding an open frequency near you and uploading a video of your display to YouTube.

RGB Pixel Computer Network Setup (2018)

RGB pixel computer networking can be confusing for new folks. This video walks through setting up a “show” network on a Raspberry Pi.

HOW TO GET STARTED with RGB Pixels (2018)

Here’s the basics for getting started using RGB Pixels for your light display.

Falcon Pixel Controllers: www.pixelcontroller.com
SanDevices Pixel Controllers: sandevices.com
Falcon Player Software: falconchristmas.com/wiki/Falcon_FPP
xLights sequencing software: xlights.org
Lighting 101 Manual: bit.ly/2FpyHMq
Christmas Expo: www.christmasexpo.com
Keith’s YouTube channel: bit.ly/2tjYhNM

Amazon Affiliate Links:
Raspberry Pi 3 (board only) amzn.to/2jtVXvt
Raspberry Pi 3 (full starter kit) amzn.to/2Ad7oli
MeanWell 12V Power Supply amzn.to/2kaWnLC
Non-MeanWell 12V Power Supply amzn.to/2oI2p5K

Christmas Lighting Forums:

Facebook Groups:
Advanced RGB Pixels and Controllers
Official xLights Support Group
FPP, Falcon Player